If you're like me, room for storage in your house gets a little tight. But how's your garage? Mine has 12' high ceilings. The garage door has all this empty space above it that, until now, was not being put to any use. Well, those days are no more. I did structural calculations, which as an engineer I can stamp and sign myself, ordered the materials, and built this platform. It can hold pretty much anything you'd put in your plastic buckets, and has about 30" of headroom. I've now got about 340 square feet of storage I didn't have before. If you have 3-4 feet above your garage door, in a double car garage, I can build one for you.
This may seem branching out a bit from my usual stuff, but as far as I'm concerned, this is a shelf. A big one, but a shelf none the less. Want one? One this size I will build for you on site for about $1,500, depending on how far you live from my home and the size and shape of your garage.
When I finished this one, I let the kids up with me for a few minutes. Then it was time to get them washed up and ready for bed. After his bath, my 4-year old son asked me, "Dad, um, can we go up in the...uh...the place that is so totally cool?" I like that much better than 'storage platform' or 'mezzanine.' I love being a dad!
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